Tear: John Berks Radio 702 Died At The Age Of 80 John Berks, the unbelievable 702 moderator died at 80 years old, and accolades from old associates and audience members have started to pour in. John has been in the radio business for over 40 years. Berks is additionally perceived as South Africa’s most memorable comedian.


Berks started paying attention to the radio early on, going through hours sharpening his pantomime of the incredible observer, talking with a spoon over his lips, all while focusing on his radio profession.

John Berks Long Term Illness Became The Cause Of Death John Berks died after a long sickness, nonetheless, the reason for the disease has not been uncovered.

— Aki Anastasiou (@AkiAnastasiou) June 4, 2022

His family might be going through a troublesome period and probably shouldn’t show up in the media, so we should regard the security of others. He is viewed as one of the country’s most famous telecasters. We express our sincere sympathy to his loved ones.

We trust that God gives individuals who are lamenting the departure of a friend or family member the strength and boldness to go on. However our words are deficient, we trust that our contemplations and petitions to heaven can comfort during this troublesome time.

John Berks Radio 702 Wife: Who Is He Married To? John Berks has kept his conjugal status hidden. He has all the earmarks of being mysterious about his relationship and doesn’t have any desire to discuss it in broad daylight.

His fans are anxious to more deeply study his better half’s subtleties, however the radio character has stayed quiet about the subject. John likes to remain quiet on account of his confidential life, along with his relationship standing.

John Berks Radio 702 Wikipedia John Berks isn’t recorded on the Wikipedia official page. Berks, the first South African trickster, is a notable veteran telecaster with a 40-year of involvement. John Berks was born on September 24, 1941, in Krugersdorp, and experienced childhood in Klersdorp.

— Gus Silber (@gussilber) June 4, 2022

He grew up paying attention to the radio whenever he got the opportunity, going through hours refining his pantomime of well known pundits. His big break at last got through a succession of occurrences, and he was recruited by the early business radio broadcast LM Radio in Lourenco Marques.