Vermeer was known for sort workmanship utilizing over the top expensive colors. He especially has some expertise in his skillful treatment and utilization of light in his work.

A portion of his notable works are; The Milkmaid, The Art of Painting, View of Delft, Woman Holding a Balance, and some more.

Dutch painter Vermeer died on December 16, 1675. Google Doodle has honored the regarded Dutch painter. This is what we know.

Wretchedness and frenzy are viewed as Johannes Vermeer’s reason for death.

He was not affluent, leaving his significant other and kids paying off debtors at the hour of his demise.

His better half has portrayed his demise after a short ailment. He was covered in the Protestant Old Church on 15 December 1675.

Johannes Vermeer was hitched to his better half Catharina Bolnes. She was a Catholic lady, as referenced in Vermeer’s Wikipedia bio.

They took their marital promises at a close by town of Schipluiden. History proposes Vermeer changed himself over to Catholics after the marriage.

His better half Bones hailed from an affluent family. She had brought forth 15 youngsters, four of whom were covered without being sanctified through water.

The names of 10 of Vermeer’s children are; Maertge, Elisabeth, Cornelia, Aleydis, Beatrix, Johannes, Gertruyd, Franciscus, Catharina, and Ignatius.

There are next to no chronicled information accessible with regards to the family. In any case, specialists guarantee the greater part of his children’s names convey a strict implication.

Johannes Vermeer’s total assets subtleties couldn’t be gotten.

Notwithstanding being a pioneer in the Dutch Arts, he was not affluent. Truth be told, he died leaving his family owing debtors.

During the conflict with France, Vermeer couldn’t sell large numbers of his crafts. Simultaneously, needed to accommodate so many relatives.

Discover how Vermeer created some of the world’s most treasured works of art—such as “The Girl with the Pearl Earring” 🖼#GoogleDoodle 🎨 by @KevinMLaughlin →

— Google Doodles (@GoogleDoodles) November 12, 2021

As of now, Johannes Vermeer’s artistic creations have been sold in millions. His artistic creation is the fifth-greatest cost at any point paid for an Old Master.

The Young Woman Seated At The Virginals was sold for £16.2 million. Vermeer’s painting has sold for nearly $40 million at sell off.

He is viewed as probably the best craftsman of the Dutch Golden Age. Albeit, just 35 of his compositions endure which are worth millions.