Before the meeting, Ingraham talked about what happened inside the café, situated in the Borough of Queens. Jo Rose, a.k.a. “Jo Speaks Truth,” and others were confined this evening in the wake of declining to leave an Applebee’s in Queens, New York since they didn’t have proof of inoculation.

Jo is a notable NEW YORK FREEDOM RALLY (NYFR) extremist known for driving individuals across the Brooklyn Bridge to Borough Hall and standing up to civic chairman choose Eric Adams.

The captures at Applebee’s came later NYFR activists struck the Cheesecake Factory and Shake Shack. This officially starts off what makes certain to be a flood of common disobedience in NYC in 2022 because of immunization based isolation.

NYFR activists were confined on Tuesday, December 14, for holding a protest at the Cheesecake Factory in Queens. The occasion and captures drew a lot of consideration via web-based media, particularly when @PatriotTakes on Twitter started tweeting about it.

The story was taken up in a few spots, with the attestation that the demonstrators were confined not on the grounds that they would not present confirmation of immunization but since they were inconsiderate and cut the line before different clients.

Tweets containing video from the demonstration and captures were seen a great many occasions, causing “Cheesecake Factory” to drift on Twitter. The following day, the Cheesecake Factory’s stock value dropped, and NYFR proclaimed freely that they would get back to the demonstration the next evening at the specific area.

— LUKE2FREEDOM (@L2FTV) December 16, 2021

Jo Rose is right now in her mid-20s. She was born in the Bronx as the girl of Dominican Republic settlers. Rose has shared that she has not worked since October 1 due to Covid limitations.

She feels like the immunization order has restricted from ability to work and depicts she no longer goes ahead and be in the US. Laura Ingraham, an American moderate TV character, Rose was addressed why she didn’t just surrender to “stressed radicals” who figure she ought to get immunized.

Rose answered by referring to the Liberals as “dishonest” for announcing “people of color matter” and lecturing bigotry, neglecting to help her as a person of color.