Near the start of the presentation, which you can view by clicking on the video above, Cerny points out that the PS4 is designed to be at least 10 times more powerful than any console we have on the market now.  This is an amazing number considering that on the night previous, Phil Spencer of Microsoft told Fallon that the Xbox One was designed to only be 3 times more powerful.

To watch the Xbox One demo on Jimmy Fallon, click here!

 After an astonished Fallon looks in disbelief, the pair turns to the monitor to play Knack. According to Cerny, the game will feature Knack, the character the player controls, who grows bigger over time depending on the type of power ups the player collects.

At one point during the show, Fallon points out to the audience that the PS4 is the only console that will support used games.  This is technically still to be decided; to Fallon’s core audience, it might as well be definitive. The reaction to this statement was nothing but applause and perhaps a glimpse at what the future holds for the PS4.  

With the amount of attention and positive reception the PS4 is getting, Microsoft is going to have a tough time convincing consumers to purchase an Xbox One if it doesn’t get in the game fairly soon.  Microsoft needs to make a move, and make it fast.